Code of Ethics in Research
The departmental research committee has formed code of ethics for research in department. Code of ethics in Research is as follows:
The research that promotes innovation, academic integrity and
- Respect and tolerance for the views of every individual.
Attention to issues of national relevance as well as of global
- Appreciation of intellectual excellence and creativity.
- Respect for privacy and confidentiality.
- Respect for justice and inclusiveness.
- The research beneficial to society.
School of Computer Science & IT is a premier educational and
research institute.
The School promotes the interdisciplinary research to solve
fundamental and applied research problems.
The School enhances the research by collaborating environment.
The School provides facility of internet and laboratory equipments.
The School provides the full access facility of various
international journals such as: IEEE, ACM, Elsevier etc.
All enthusiast faculty members, involved in research have internet
with desktop for promoting research.
Research Scholars are facilitated with desktops and printers in
Separate lab.
Research papers submitted by Scholars for publication, are reviewed
by departmental research committee.
- Modern tools are used for checking plagiarism.
The Research Scholars deliver presentations regularly for UG/PG
students and faculty members.
The serious action taken by School in case of report of plagiarism
and two consecutive unsatisfied rep ort of a research scholar.
The Scholars are admitted through Doctoral Entrance Test (DET),
conducted by School and subsequent interview.
- Ph. D. coursework is compulsory for selected DET candidates.
The Scholars are required to submit research pro posal after
literature review, in the university.
The Scholars are interviewed by DRC for their research proposal.
The Scholars have to submit their research proposal/work to
departmental committee first.
The Scholars are not permitted for following scientific misconduct:
- Gift Authorship
- Redundant Publication
- Plagiarism
- Fabrication (showing results without experiment)
- Falsification
The Scholars are required to report their six monthly progress of
research work to the supervisor.
The citations and acknowledgement must be mentioned properly in the
research documents by the Scholars.
It is expected that the Scholar will acquire and maintain
professional competence during their Ph. D. duration in School.
The responsibilities assigned to the Scholars must be honored.
The Scholars must have knowledge of existing laws pertaining to
professional work.
The School expects from the Scholars to achieve the highest quality,
effectiveness and dignity in their research work.