
Improvement Process

The students feedback forms are collected and scrutinized course wise for individual teacher. Along with filled feedback forms, other documents and reports of various assessment methods (ongoing performance monitoring, student evaluation system, industry meet, parent meet, alumni meet, and exit survey) are gathered for assessment. A Course Assessment File (CAF) comprising of above documents is prepared for individual course with respective individual teacher. The CAF are grouped according to the programmes. The members of assessment and research committee analyze and monitor each CAF rigorously. The review and monitoring process mainly emphasizes on Subject Learning Objectives (SLO), Comments related to the course contents and effectiveness of Teaching-Learning Strategies used to teach the subjects included in he specified academic session by the respective faculty members. A report of analysis for each CAF is prepared. A summary of all CAF is made and submitted to the Head of the Department and the individual feedback report is sent to the concerned teacher. Finally, Head of the department calls an informal meeting of teachers with summary submitted by the assessment and research committee and discusses the issues where the improvements are needed in overall. Assessment Progress Report (APR) is a feedback mechanism that we prepare which allows us to integrate the results of the various assessment methods and identify appropriate actions to improve the program. An APR is prepared by the assessment and research committee, which covers the summary and detailed report of assessment done. It also includes the improvements found as compared to previous session. Detailed report includes the report of individual courses taught by the teacher, general comments, best practices used by the teachers and report of visiting faculty involved if any. Final APR is submitted to Head of the Department and circulated to the members of various other committees. Assessment and research committee is connected with other internal committees of the department such as administrative committee, academic planning committee, infrastructure development committee, library committee, placement committee, result committee etc. Each of these committees consists of an advisor, group of faculty members and student representatives (somewhere). These committees have many members in common with each other, which helps to coordinate their actions.

Finally, assessment and research committee organize a formal workshop on quality assurance, assessment and accreditation in which members of internal committees of the department participate and share their views and opinions. The experts are invited for talk and assessment of the workshop. Assessment committee presents his APR and each faculty presents his/ her course assessment in a prescribed proforma regarding the experiences found in teaching learning of an aforesaid academic session. Head of the department guides us for further improvement in teaching learning. The outcomes of workshop assist to various committees for improvements and possible courses of actions in teaching learning at all levels of the department. Along with these outcomes assessment committee and Head of the Department calls regular meetings for teaching learning improvement.